Understanding the extremely large deformation of soil, a complex challenge in geotechnical engineering, requires advanced numerical methods due to the dynamic change in soil structure. High-fidelity simulation is necessary for investigating large-deformation geotechnical problems.
We are trying to develop an accurate, robust, and efficient multiscale numerical framework to provide high-fidelity three-dimensional simulations for debris flows considering salient features, including multiphase soil-water coupling with a micropolar constitutive model for the soil, and mixture large particle interaction.
The proposed method is based on Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH), which is a mesh-free particle-based approach capable of circumventing the computational difficulties associated with mesh distortion. The hypoplastic model, which can capture the pressure- and density-dependent mechanical behaviour of granular soil, is implemented into the in-house developed SPH code. This presentation will focus on the effectiveness of the different constitutive models validated by experimental data. Furthermore, several numerical examples are presented to elucidate the evolution of shear band structures in granular soils subject to extremely large deformation levels.
Short bio:
Hongcheng Jiao is currently a PhD student at the Institute of Geotechnical Engineering, The BOKU University (Universität für Bodenkultur), under the supervision of Prof. Wei WU. Hongcheng Jiao holds a Master degree B.Eng degree in Mechanics from Hohai University (China). During PhD program, Mr. Jiao also works as a scientific staff member of the MSCA staff exchange project LOC3G (Localization in Geophysics, Geohazards and Geoengineering). Mr. Jiao’s PhD research topic focuses on the high-fidelity simulation of debris flow. He has experience with several numerical methods such as SPH, FEM and DEM, GPU Parallel Computing and constitutive models especially on hypoplasticity.