The design of closure systems for deep geological storage of radioactive waste is based on the use of an expansive core made of swelling clay. During the PhD, a compacted bentonite-sand mixture was investigated as a candidate material for the expansive core. Its hydromechanical-gas behaviour was characterized by capturing the phenomenon of water imbibition at unsaturated conditions and the gas migration at saturated conditions. Test were performed using advanced imaging techniques (MRI and X-Ray µCT). The results validated the effectiveness of candidate material as hydraulic plug, slowing down water infiltration, while allowing gas migration at relatively low pressure.
Short bio:
Pablo Eizaguirre est doctorant au Laboratoire Navier en collaboration avec Andra (Agence nationale pour la gestion des déchets radioactifs). MSc en Génie Civil à l’Universidad de Cantabria (Espagne). Sa thèse se distingue par l’étude des processus d’hydratation et de transfert de gaz dans des argiles expansives à l’aide de la relaxométrie (RMN), des techniques d’imagerie par résonance magnétique (IRM) et de la microtomographie aux rayons X (µCT).