
Carnot B103


Patrick Aimedieu

Ingénieur de recherche

Responsable technique de la plate-forme de microtomographie

Carrière professionnelle et formation

  • 2014 – … Ingénieur de recherche CNRS au laboratoire Navier, équipe multi-échelles
  • 2005 – 2014 Ingénieur de recherche de l’Education Nationale au Laboratoire de Mécanique et Technologie, ENS Cachan
  • 2004 – 2005 ATER à l’Université de Picardie Jules Verne (IUT de l’Aisne, Soissons)
  • 2000 – 2004 Doctorant en mécanique de l’Université de Picardie Jules Verne (Laboratoire GRAMFC, Amiens). Sujet de thèse : rhéologie du tissu cérébral.
  • 1999 – 2000 DEA de Génie Biomédical, Biomécanique et Biomatériaux (Université Paris 7 Denis Diderot)
  • 1999 Maitrise de physique (Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin en Yvelines)

Thèmes de recherche

  • Développement de méthodes expérimentales in situ pour la microtomographie


  • Enseignement en microtomographie dans les masters Science des Matériaux pour la Construction Durable (SMCD, École des Ponts ParisTech – ENPC) et Approches Multi-échelles pour les Materiaux et les Structures (AMMS, École des Ponts ParisTech – ENPC)


  • 2019 : A. Molinero Guerra, Y.-J. Cui, Y.He, P. Delage, N. Mokni, A.M. Tang, P. Aimedieu, M. Bornert, F. Bernier. Characterization of water retention, compressibility and swelling properties of a pellet/powder bentonite mixture. Engineering Geology, Volume 248, Pages 14-21.
  • 2018 : G. Gerber, S. Rodts, P. Aimedieu, P. Faure, P. Coussot. Particle-Size-Exclusion Clogging Regimes in Porous Media. Physical Review Letters 120(14).
  • 2018 : T. X. Le, S. Rodts, D. Hautemayou, P. Aimedieu, A. M. Tang. Kinetics of methane hydrate formation and dissociation in sand sediment. Geomechanics for Energy and the Environment, In press, corrected proof.
  • 2018 : M. Badetti, A. Fall, F. Chevoir, P. Aimedieu, S. Rodts, J.-N. Roux. Rheology and microstructure of unsaturated granular materials: Experiments and simulations. Journal of Rheology 62, 1175.
  • 2018 : A. Molinero Guerra, P. Aimedieu, M. Bornert, Y.-J. Cui, A.M. Tang, Z. Sun, N. Mokni, P. Delage, F. Bernier. Analysis of the structural changes of a pellet/powder bentonite mixture upon wetting by X-ray computed microtomography. Applied Clay Science, Volume 165, Pages 164-169
  • 2018 : A. Molinero Guerra, Y.-J. Cui, N. Mokni, P. Delage, M. Bornert, P. Aimedieu, A.M. Tang, F. Bernier. Investigation of the hydro-mechanical behaviour of a pellet/powder MX80 bentonite mixture using an infiltration column. Engineering Geology, Volume 243, Pages 18-25
  • 2018 : A. Molinero Guerra, Y.-J. Cui, N. Mokni, P. Delage, Y.-J. Cui, A.M. Tang, P. Aimedieu, F. Bernier, M. Bornert. In-depth characterisation of a mixture composed of powder/pellets MX80 bentonite. Applied Clay Science, Volume 135, Pages 538-546
  • 2018 : H.-L. Wang, Y.-J. Cui, F. Lamas-Lopez, N. Calon, G. Saussine, J.-C. Dupla, J. Canou, P. Aimedieu, R.-P. Chena. Investigation on the mechanical behavior of track-bed materials at various contents of coarse grains. Construction and Building Materials, Volume 164, 10 March 2018, Pages 228-237
  • 2017 : H.L. Wang, Y.-J. Cui, F. Lamas-Lopez, J.-C. Dupla, J. Canou, N. Calon, G. Saussine, P. Aimedieu, and R.-P. Chen. Effects of inclusion contents on resilient modulus and damping ratio of unsaturated track-bed materials. Can. Geotech. J. 54: Pages 1672–1681
  • 2017 : M.H. Khalili, Sébastien Brisard, Michel Bornert, Patrick Aimedieu, Jean-Michel Pereira, J.-N. Roux. Discrete Digital Projections Correlation: a reconstruction-free method to quantify local kinematics in granular media by X-ray tomography. Experimental Mechanics, Society for Experimental Mechanics 57 (6)
  • 2016 : M. Bertin, F. Hild, S. Roux, F. Mathieu, H. Leclerc, P. Aimedieu. Integrated Digital Image Correlation applied to elasto-plastic identification in a biaxial experiment. Jal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design. Vol 51. Num 2. Pages 118-131.
  • 2013 : F. Mathieu, P. Aimedieu, J.M. Guimard, F. Hild. Identification of interlaminar fracture properties of a composite laminate using local full-field kinematic measurements and finite element simulations. Composites Part A/Applied Science & Manufacturing. Vol 49. Pages 203-213. 2013
  • 2009 : J. Zhang, P. Aimedieu, F. Hild, S. Rou, T. Zhang. Complexity of shear localization in a Zr-based bulk metallic glass. Scripta Materialia. Vol 61. Pages 1145-1148.
  • 2005 : A. Gabrion, P. Aimedieu, Z. Laya, E. Havet, P. Mertl, R. Grebe, M. Laude. Relationship between ultrastructure and biomechanical properties of the knee meniscus. Surg Radiol Anat.. Vol 27. Num 6. Pages 507-510. 2005
  • 2004 : P. Aimedieu, R. Grebe. Tensile strength of cranial pia mater : preliminary results. Neurosurg. Jan ;100(1):111-4.
  • 2003 : P. Aimedieu, D. Mitton, J.P. Faure, L. Denninger, F. Lavaste. Dynamic stiffness and damping of porcine muscle specimens. Med Eng Phys. 2003 Nov ;25(9):795-9