Jean Canou
Publication, sur la période 1990-2024, de 75 articles reliés aux thèmes de recherche décrits ci-dessus dans des revues internationales à comité de lecture et d’une centaine de communications écrites, dans des conférences internationales.
Ci-dessous, quelques publications représentatives :
1- Bekki H., Canou J., Tali B., Dupla J.-C., Bouafia A., 2013. Evolution of local friction along a model pile shaft in a calibration chamber for a large number of loading cycles. Comptes-Rendus Mécanique, vol.341 (6), 499-507.
2 – Chevalier T., Chevalier C., Clain X., Dupla J.-C., Canou J., Rodts S., Coussot P., 2013. Darcy’s law for yield stress fluid flowing through a porous medium. J. of Non Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, vol.195, 57-66.
3 – Frikha W., Bouassida M., Canou J., 2013. Observed behaviour of laterally expanded stone columns in soft soil. Geotech. And Geolog. Eng. J., vol.31, n°2, pp.739-752, avril 2013.
4 – Le Kouby A., Dupla J.-C., Canou J., Francis R., 2013. Pile response in sand : experimental development and study. Int. J. of Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, vol. 13 (4), 122-137.
5 – Boussetta S., Bouassida M., Dinh A.Q., Canou J., Dupla J.-C., 2012. Physical modelling of load transfer in reinforced soil by rigid inclusions. Int. J. of Geot. Eng., vol.6, pp.331-341.
6 – Puech A., Canou J., Bernardini C., Pecker A., Jardine R., Holeyman A., 2012. SOLCYP : a four-year joint industry project on the behaviour of piles under cyclic loading. Proc. 7th Int. Conf. on Offshore Site Investigations and Geotechnics (OSIG-2012), London, Sept. 2012.
7 – Trinh V.N., Tang A.M., Cui Y.J., Dupla J.-C., Canou J., Calon N., Lambert L., Robinet A., Schoen O., 2012. Mechanical characterization of the fouled ballast in ancient railway track substructure by large-scale triaxial tests. Soils and Foundations, vol.52, n°3, pp.511-523.
8 – Truong Q.Q., Canou J., Dupla J.-C., Chevalier C., Chopin M., Fry J.-J., 2012. Water flow blocking process in permeable soils by injection f specific grouts. Proc. 6th Int. Conf. on Scour and Erosion (ICSE 6), Paris, pp. 1559-1566.
9 – Seif El Dine B., Dupla J.-C., Frank R., Canou J., Kazan Y., 2010. Mechanical characterization of matrix coarse-grained soils with a large size triaxial device. Can. Geot. J., vol.47 (4), 425-438.
10 – Karrech A., Duhamel D., Bonnet G., Roux J.-N., Chevoir F., Canou J., Dupla J.-C., 2008. A discrete element study of settlement in vibrated granular layers : role of contact loss and acceleration. Granular matter, vol.10 (5), 369-375.
11 – Karrech A., Duhamel D., Bonnet G., Roux J.-N., Chevoir F., Canou J., Dupla J.-C., SAb K., 2007. A computational procedure for the prediction of settlement in granular materials under cyclic loading. Computer methods in Applied Mechanics and Eng., vol.197 (1-4), 80-94.
12 – Maalej Y., Dormieux L., Canou J., Dupla J.-C., 2007. Strength of a granular medium reinforced by cement grouting. Comptes-Rendus Mécanique, vol. 335 (2), 87-92.
13 – Maghous S., Saada Z., Dormieux L., Canou J., Dupla J.-C., 2007. A model for in situ grouting with account for particle filtration. Computers and Geotechnics, vol.34 (3), 164-174.
14 – Saada Z., Canou J., Dormieux L., Dupla J.-C., 2006. Evaluation of elementary filtration properties of a cement grout injected in a sand. Can. Geot. J., vol.43 (12), 1273-1289.
15 – Saada Z., Canou J., Dormieux L., Dupla J.-C., Maghous S., 2005. Modelling of cement suspension flow in granular porous media. Int. J. for Num. and Analyt. Methods in Geomechanics, vol.29 (7), 691-711.
16 – Benhamed N., Canou J., Dupla J.-C., 2004. Structure initiale et propriétés de liquéfaction statique d’un sable. Comptes-Rendus Mécanique, vol. 332 (11), 887-894.
17 – Dupla, J.-C., Canou, J., Gouvenot, D., 2004. An advanced experimental set-up for studying monodirectional grout injection process. Ground Improvement, vol. 7 (1), 1-9.
18 – De Gennaro V., Canou J., Dupla J.-C., Benahmed N., 2004. Influence of loading path on the undrained behaviour of a medium loose sand. Can. Geot. J., vol. 41 (1), 166-180.
19 – Dupla J.-C., Canou J. 2003. Cyclic pressuremeter loading and liquefaction properties of sands. Soils and Foundations, vol.43 (2), 17-31.