Stage M2 2024-25: Study of granulars with multiple scattering and imaging

Stage M2 2024-25: Study of granulars with multiple scattering and imaging


Granular suspensions, a good model system in soil mechanics, are elastic solids at low imposed stress and complex liquids above a threshold stress. However, the interpretation of this flow threshold in terms of structural evolution is still imprecise due to the opacity of soils and the importance of solid friction between grains. These scientific hurdles complicate the development of predictive models based on physical mechanisms established at grain scale, which are crucial for the prevention of seismic and landslide hazard.

We want to improve the understanding of the rheological properties of granulars close to the flow threshold, by studying how the structure of granulars change when they are submitted to stress/strain. For that, we will further develop an experimental method already existing in the lab in order to adapt it on various mechanical test equipments. This experimental method relies on the propagation of ultrasound waves in the multiple scattering regime, as shown in the picture. Such waves are a kind of fingerprint of the structure that can be monitored by signal correlation.

Profile required
  • We are looking for a student with a mechanical and/or physical background for this experimental, multidisciplinary project. An interest in numerical simulation will be also considered
  • Duration : 4 – 6 months from february – march 2025
  • A doctoral thesis may be envisaged
  • Candidates can send a CV and a motivation letter to

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