The design of closure systems for deep geological storage of radioactive waste is based on the use of an expansive core made of swelling clay. During the PhD, a compacted bentonite-sand mixture was investigated as a candidate material for the expansive core. Its hydromechanical-gas behaviour was characterized by capturing the phenomenon of water imbibition at unsaturated conditions and the gas migration at saturated conditions. Test were performed using advanced imaging techniques (MRI and X-Ray µCT). The results validated the effectiveness of candidate material as hydraulic plug, slowing down water infiltration, while allowing gas migration at relatively low pressure.
Short bio:
Pablo Eizaguirre is a PhD student at the Navier Laboratory in collaboration with Andra (National Agency for Radioactive Waste Management). He holds an MSc in Civil Engineering from the Universidad de Cantabria (Spain). His thesis is distinguished by the study of hydration processes and gas transfer in expansive clays using relaxometry (NMR), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) techniques, and X-ray microtomography (µCT).