NAVIER Laboratory

UMR 8205

The Navier Laboratory is a joint research unit of the Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées (ENPC), the Gustave Eiffel University and the National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS), located in the Cité Descartes in Marne-La Vallée. The staff (nearly 170 people) conduct research on mechanics and physics of materials, structures and geomaterials, and their applications to geotechnics, civil engineering, transport, geophysics and energy. Societal challenges concern sustainable construction, natural risks, environment and energy. In the development of mechanical and physical laws relating to these themes, the studies undertaken are both experimental and theoretical. They are based on a vast array of equipment, some of which are unique in their kind.

Geotechnics (CERMES)

The team focuses its research and teaching activities on geotechnical engineering and soil and rock mechanics [...]

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Architectured Materials and Structures (MSA)

The team studies the mechanics and durability of materials and structures in civil engineering [...]

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Multi-Scale (ME)

The team endeavors to understand and predict the mechanical, and more generally multi-physical, behaviors of materials [...]

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Rheophysics and Porous Media (RMP)

The team is specialized in the study and the modeling of the properties of complex materials [...]

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[Ingenius] InSight Mission – At the heart of Mars

[Ingenius] InSight Mission – At the heart of Mars

For the web magazine Ingenius, Pierre Delage, Emeritus Research Director in the Geotechnical team, reflects on his research work conducted…

Liquid foams in the digital review Ingenius

Liquid foams in the digital review Ingenius

The digital review of the École des Ponts, Ingenius, has recently showcased the research activities of Olivier Pitois around liquid…

PhD thesis prize CSMA/NAFEMS 2023 – Elodie Donval

PhD thesis prize CSMA/NAFEMS 2023 – Elodie Donval

During the 16ème Colloque national en Calcul des Structures hosted by the CSMA (Computational Structural Mechanics Association), Elodie Donval was…

[Ingenius]  The Faces of Research – Research Engineer

[Ingenius] The Faces of Research – Research Engineer

Ingenius dedicated its May 2024 issue to research careers in a series of video portraits. Don’t miss the interview with…

[Ingenius] What is geological storage of CO2?

[Ingenius] What is geological storage of CO2?

As part of a special issue titled “Soil and Subsoil Supporting the Energy Transition” the Ingenius team interviewed Siavash Ghabezloo,…

HDR defense of Denis Garnier

Denis Garnier, ENPC Researcher, is defending his Habilitation à Diriger les Recherches on the 19th of March at 14:00 in…


Master internship : Microstructural analysis of bio-based granular packing using X-ray microtomography

Biobased materials made from plant particles offer great potential for building insulation, particularly in terms of reducing environmental impact. The…

M1/M2 Internship Opportunity in Acoiustic Enclosure Design

Echo Silence, in partnership with the Navier Laboratory at École des Ponts ParisTech, is offering a unique internship opportunity aimed…

Ph.D.: “Mechanics of swelling clay faults from molecular simulation to earthquakes”

Plate boundary fault zones exhibit a wide range of dynamic behaviors, from aseismic slip to mega-earthquakes. So far, there is…

PhD Position : Design and fabrication of an inflatable architectured shell at the civil engineering scale

Architectured inflatable materials for designing functional Shells While inflatables of complex 3D shapes can be obtained by assembling carefully designed…

PhD Position : Humidity and heat transfers in bio-based buildings

Bio-based construction materials are systems containing or formed of vegetal particles, such as wood, hemp, cellulose, flax, cotton, etc., possibly…

Internship “Mechanics of swelling clay faults: granular approach”

Plate boundary fault zones exhibit a wide range of dynamic behaviors, from aseismic slip to mega-earthquakes. So far, there is…