
Fast transport diffusion of bound water in cellulose fiber network

A remarkable property of cellulose-based materials is that they can absorb huge amounts of water (25% of the dry mass) from ambient vapor, in the form of bound water confined at a nanoscale in the amorphous regions of the cellulose structure. The control of the dynamics of sorption and desorption of bound water is a […]

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Liquid foam Ripening in the ISS

Coarsening is a ubiquitous phenomenon in phase separations. It is widely observed in alloys, polymers, emulsions, foams, and even in biological systems. However, coarsening of materials where the two phases have comparable volume fractions is still poorly understood. To fill this gap, we performed coarsening experiments on aqueous foams in microgravity—free from gravity-driven destabilization. We […]

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Seminar : Giuseppe Foffi, 4th July 2024

Giuseppe Foffi from Laboratoire de Physique des Solides of Université Paris-Saclay will come to present his recent work at our lab on Thursday 4th July at 11:00 in room B021 (Bienvenüe). His presentation is entitled “From thermal to athermal systems: self-assembly and absorbing phase transitions in granular systems”. Summary: For most of my scientific career […]

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HDR defense of Denis Garnier

Denis Garnier, ENPC Researcher, is defending his Habilitation à Diriger les Recherches on the 19th of March at 14:00 in the Amphithéâtre Caquot of the Coriolis building of the ENPC. His work is entitled : “Estimating mechanical resistance at different scales: from materials to structures” A summary (in French) is provided : L’objectif premier de […]

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