
HDR defense of Denis Garnier

Denis Garnier, ENPC Researcher, is defending his Habilitation à Diriger les Recherches on the 19th of March at 14:00 in the Amphithéâtre Caquot of the Coriolis building of the ENPC. His work is entitled : “Estimating mechanical resistance at different scales: from materials to structures” A summary (in French) is provided : L’objectif premier de […]

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Nicolas Roussel becomes the 47th president of RILEM.

Nicolas Roussel became on September 1, 2021 the 47th president of RILEM. This international association, founded in 1947, brings together 2,400 members in 90 countries. Its purpose is to promote scientific and technical collaboration in the field of building materials and structures and civil engineering and to promote the dissemination of knowledge. Its international technical […]

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