HDR Defense – Jérémy Bleyer
- Post by: Mathias Lebihain
- 13 November 2024
- No Comment
Jérémy Bleyer, researcher in the MSA team, will defend his Habilitation to Supervise Research (HDR) on Friday, November 22, at 2:00 PM in the Navier Amphitheater at the École nationale des ponts et chaussées
The defense is titled: “Variational principles in nonlinear mechanics using convex optimization and automated numerical tools” and will be presented before the following jury:
- Laura de Lorenzis (reporter), ETH Zürich
- Peter Noe Poulsen (reporter), Technical University of Denmark – DTU
- Vincent Acary (reporter), INRIA Grenoble
- Nicolas Moës (examiner), UC Louvain
- Grégoire Allaire (examiner), Ecole Polytechnique
- Djimedo Kondo (examiner), Sorbonne Université
More info here: https://bleyerj.github.io/talks/HDR-2024/
Categories: Actualités, News, News – MSA