[Ingenius] Thermal geostructures

[Ingenius] Thermal geostructures

Together with their colleagues Jean Sauvage (Univ Gustave Eiffel) and Sébastien Burlon (Terrasol – Groupe SETEC), our researchers Anh Minh Tang and Jean-Michel Pereira have published a series on thermal geostructures.

This series, consisting of 4 articles, covers an introduction to this technology, its development in France and Europe, the obstacles to its development, and finally, the research and development work carried out within the Navier Laboratory.

Find this series on Ingenius (in French):
Les géostructures thermiques – Épisode 1/4
Les géostructures thermiques – Épisode 2/4
Les géostructures thermiques – Épisode 3/4
Les géostructures thermiques – Épisode 4/4

Categories: News, News – Geotech