Géotechnique (CERMES)

Carnot B118



Siavash Ghabezloo

Directeur de recherche

Associate professor


  • 2019 : Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches
  • 2008 : PhD thesis, Ecole des Ponts ParisTech
  • 2005 : Master degree, Soil and Rock Mechanics in their Environnement, Ecole des Ponts ParisTech
  • 2002 : Master degree, Soil Mechanics and Foundations, Tarbiat Modarres University, Iran
  • 1999 : Civil engineering degree, Shiraz university, Iran

Research interests

  • Poromechanics and multi-physics couplings
  • Experimental characterization of THM behavior
  • Microstructure characterization
  • Constitutive modelling
  • Micromechanical modelling
  • Numerical simulations

with particular interest in:

  • Cement-based materials
  • Claystone and shale
  • Reservoir rocks

for applications in:

  • Civil engineering
  • Petroleum geomechanics
  • Geological storage


  • Soil Mechanics, Ecole des Ponts ParisTech
  • Geomechanics and Energy, Ecole des Ponts ParisTech
  • Advanced design of geotechnical structures, Ecole des Ponts ParisTech
  • Advanced geotechnics, Ecole des Ponts ParisTech

Other activities

  • General secretary and vice president of CFMR (Comité Français de Mécanique des Roches)

Selected publications

  • N. Agofack, S. Ghabezloo, J. Sulem, A. Garnier, C. Urbanczyk, Experimental investigation of the early-age mechanical behaviour of oil-well cement paste, Cem. Concr. Res. 117 (2019) 91–102.
  • N. Agofack, S. Ghabezloo, J. Sulem, A. Garnier, C. Urbanczyk, Onset of Creation of Residual Strain during the hydration of oil-well cement paste, Cem. Concr. Res. 116 (2019) 27–37.
  • P. Braun, S. Ghabezloo, P. Delage, J. Sulem, N. Conil, Determination of Multiple Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical Rock Properties in a Single Transient Experiment: Application to Shales, Rock Mech. Rock Eng. 0 (2019) 0. doi:10.1007/s00603-018-1692-x.
  • P. Braun, S. Ghabezloo, P. Delage, J. Sulem, N. Conil, Theoretical Analysis of Pore Pressure Diffusion in Some Basic Rock Mechanics Experiments, Rock Mech. Rock Eng. (2018) 1–18.
  • M. Belmokhtar, P. Delage, S. Ghabezloo, N. Conil, Thermal Volume Changes and Creep in the Callovo-Oxfordian Claystone, Rock Mech. Rock Eng. C (2017). doi:10.1007/s00603-017-1238-7.
  • S. Bahafid, S. Ghabezloo, M. Duc, P. Faure, J. Sulem, Effect of the hydration temperature on the microstructure of Class G cement: C-S-H composition and density, Cem. Concr. Res. 95 (2017) 270–281.
  • L.-M. Guayacán-Carrillo, S. Ghabezloo, J. Sulem, D.M. Seyedi, G. Armand, Effect of anisotropy and hydro-mechanical couplings on pore pressure evolution during tunnel excavation in low-permeability ground, Int. J. Rock Mech. Min. Sci. 97 (2017) 1–14.
  • S. Bahafid, S. Ghabezloo, P. Faure, M. Duc, J. Sulem, Effect of the hydration temperature on the pore structure of cement paste: Experimental investigation and micromechanical modelling, Cem. Concr. Res. 111 (2018) 1–14.
  • S. Ghabezloo, A micromechanical model for the effective compressibility of sandstones, Eur. J. Mech. – A/Solids. 51 (2015) 140–153.
  • S. Ghabezloo, Association of macroscopic laboratory testing and micromechanics modelling for the evaluation of the poroelastic parameters of a hardened cement paste, Cem. Concr. Res. 40 (2010) 1197–1210.
  • S. Ghabezloo, J. Sulem, Effect of the volume of the drainage system on the measurement of undrained thermo-poro-elastic parameters, Int. J. Rock Mech. Min. Sci. 47 (2010) 60–68.
  • S. Ghabezloo, J. Sulem, S. Guédon, F. Martineau, Effective stress law for the permeability of a limestone, Int. J. Rock Mech. Min. Sci. 46 (2009) 297–306.
  • S. Ghabezloo, J. Sulem, J. Saint-Marc, The effect of undrained heating on a fluid-saturated hardened cement paste, Cem. Concr. Res. 39 (2009) 54–64.