
Carnot P015


Camille Chateau


École nationale des ponts et chaussées (ENPC)

Research interests

Experimental analysis at small scales of heterogeneous materials : microstructure, micromechanical behavior and deformation / damage mechanisms characterisation ; link with overall material properties.
  • Methods :
    • Imaging : X-ray tomography (laboratory and synchrotron), microscopy.
    • In situ / in operando tests
    • Image processing
    • Nanoindentation
  • Application areas :
    • Building materials, geomaterials
    • Composite materials
    • Biobased materials
Current internship / PhD / postdoc opportunities :


  • Since 2016 : Introduction to material heterogeneity and scale change, ENPC.
  • 2014 – 2018 : Composite materials, Paris Sciences & Lettres (Institute of Technology and Innovation).

Other activites

  • Member of the Peer Review Committee 3 “Matter and material properties: Structure, Organisation, Charactérisation, Elaboration" of the French synchrotron SOLEIL
  • Sustainable Development referent of Laboratoire Navier
  • Co-leader of Navier1.5, working group set up to understand and reduce the environmental impact of Laboratoire Navier’s activities
  • Sustainable Development and Social Responsibility referent at ENPC, Research and Innovation axis


  • Since 2012 : Research scientist, École nationale des ponts et chaussées (ENPC), Laboratoire Navier, « Multiscale » group.
  • 2008 – 2011 : PhD in mechanics, Ecole polytechnique (Solid Mechanics Laboratory) / French Atomic Energy Commission (CEA), France.
  • 2008 : MSc in Mechanics, Ecole Centrale de Lille / Lille 1 University, France.
  • 2008 : Master’s Degree in Engineering, Ecole Centrale de Lille, France.
