Matériaux et Structures Architecturés

Carnot V115


Cyril Douthe


Ingénieur des Ponts, des Eaux et Forêts

Research topics

  • Ingénierie des structures : de la conception à la fabrication,
  • Géométrie, Structure et Architecture : recherche de forme et optimisation,
  • Non-linéarité géométrique dans les structures: mise en forme et instabilité,
  • Structures légères dans le génie civil: ouvrages pare-blocs et ouvrages à câbles.

Teaching activities: Ass. Prof. ENPC

On-going project

  • AAP I-Sites GAMES: Geometry for Architectural, Mechanical and Structural Engineering
  • PN C2ROP: Modelling and experiment on soft barrier against rockfall
  • Gemetrical and topological optimisation of gridshells, ENPC PhD thesis by R. Boutillier
  • Design strategies of gridshells through flexural-torsion of members,  ENPC/EPFL PhD thesis by N. Montagne
  • Design strategies for large span wooden structures regarding structural and envieronnemental issues, PhD thesis with Elioth  by K. Mam
  • Building with developpable surfaces, PhD thesis with TESS and Viry by N. Leduc,

Architectural Geometry

Design and construction of gridshell

Rockfall barrier

Parcours professionnel

  • 2010-… :Researcher at Univ. Gustave Eiffel, at Navier lab since 2015 (member of the Architectured Material and Structures team);
  • 2009-2010 : Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowship with mobility at the Metal Structures Laboratory from National Technical University of Athens (NTUA, Greece);
  • 2007-2009: Post-doctoral fellowship at the Metal Structures Laboratory de la NTUA, Greece ;
  • 2004-2007: PhD thesis at ENPC, untitled « Study of prestressed slender beams in composites materials, application to the design of gridshells ».
  • 2000-2004: Education as Structural Engineer at ENPC.

Professionnal affiliations