Matériaux et Structures Architecturés

Carnot V112bis


Karam Sab

Senior Researcher

Professor at ENPC. Head of the "Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science" department.
Scientific Officer "Mechanics of Solids" at INSIS - CNRS.

Professional experience

  • Head of the doctoral school  « Materials, Civil Engineering Works, Durability, Environment and Structures » of Paris-Est University (2001-2005).
  • Head of the LAMI joint laboratory of ENPC and LCPC. (2003-2007).
  • Head of the Navier joint laboratory of ENPC, Univ Gustave Eiffel and CNRS (2010-2019).

Titles and degrees

  • 1985  Engineer. École Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées (ENPC).
  • 1989  PhD ENPC.
  • 1992  Assistant Professor ENPC.
  • 1995  Habilitation Sorbonne University.
  • 1999  Professor ENPC.

Publications (Google Scholar)