Master internship : Microstructural analysis of bio-based granular packing using X-ray microtomography

Stage M2 - 4 to 6 months
Biobased materials made from plant particles offer great potential for building insulation, particularly in terms of reducing environmental impact. The aim of the internship is to characterise the 3D microstructure biobased granular packings (sunflower pith particles) through a quantitative analysis of X-ray microtomography images previously obtained at the Synchrotron Soleil. In particular, one objective is to identify relevant microstructural properties that relate to the material's multiphysical performance. Image processing procedures may be based on artificial intelligence techniques (deep learning model). Additional studies on other plants or samples with binders may be carried out using the microtomograph in the laboratory, depending on the progress of the internship.

More information is available in the attached document.
Contact :
École nationale des ponts et chaussées
6/8 avenue Blaise-Pascal
77455 Marne-la-Vallée Cedex 2