Contact : Cyril Douthe
Olivier Baverel, Cyril Douthe, Jean-françois Caron, Romain Mesnil
The MSA team uses its knowledge of materials and structures at different scales to offer an original approach to structural innovation: from meta-materials to blob architecture. It relies for this on:
- advanced numerical calculations (strongly non-linear problems, contact, plasticity, large displacements, explosion),
- two large robotic cells (concrete printing and collaborative machining),
- mechanical models of complex behavior (shape memory alloy, layered materials, concrete rheology, etc.),
- academic partnerships (LIGM for vision aspects, CERMICS for generalized environments, LAMA for geometry, GSA for architectural applications, etc.),
- multiple industrial partnerships from the strat-up to the major construction companies (CSTB, TESS, VINCI, LafargeHolcim, Egis, Setec, Arcora, Ingerop, Xtree, etc.).