The Navier laboratory is structured into four research teams, three technical teams and an administrative team. Its management is carried out through 3 instances:
- the Board made up of the director, the deputy director and the general secretary,
- the Management Committee (Codir), made up of the Management and the heads of the research team,
- the Laboratory Council (CdL), made up of the Codir and 10 elected staff.
The laboratory staff (around 170 people) are spread over three neighboring buildings of the Cité Descartes (Marne-la-Vallée): the Carnot and Coriolis buildings of the ENPC located on avenue Blaise Pascal (Pascal site), and finally, the Bienvenüe building of the Gustave Eiffel University located just in front of the Carnot building. In addition, the laboratory has an MRI machine which is located in the buildings of the University of Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée (UPEM) in the Alexandra David Neel building.
Combining developing the production of knowledge and training in mechanics applied to various fields, the Navier Laboratory is involved in numerous national and international collaborations with public and private establishments. It is a member of the Fédération Francilienne de Mécanique (CNRS FR2609 research federation) and, with its partners from the University of Paris-Est (UPE), carries the Laboratory of Excellence (Labex) “Multi-Scale Modeling and Experimentation of Materials for Sustainable construction ”(MMCD).