
Carnot V016


Matthieu Vandamme


Tenured research scientist with Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches
Maître de Conférence

Scientific interests

  • Mechanics and physics of porous solids
  • Cement-based materials and geomaterials
  • In-pore physical processes (adsorption, capillarity, crystallization), Time-dependent deformations

Academic experience

  • Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches, Université Paris-Est. 2019
  • École des Ponts ParisTech (France), Tenured research scientist. 2008-present
  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MA), Research Assistant. 2004-2008

Honors and awards

  • EMI Leonardo da Vinci award, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). 2016

Editorial activities

  • Cement and Concrete Research, Associate Editor. 2015 – present
  • Journal of Nanomechanics and Micromechanics, Associate Editor. 2014 – 2018

Invited appointments

  • Churchill College, University of Cambridge, French Government by-fellow. 08/2017 – 07/2018
  • Northwestern University (Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering), Visiting scholar. 04/2014 – 05/2014


  • Mechanics and physics of porous solids (lecturer in charge, M.Sc. level). 2011–present
  • Porous materials for construction, energy, and environment (lecturer in co-charge, undergraduate level). 2016–present
  • Molecular simulations in materials science (lecturer then lecturer in charge, undergraduate level). 2012, 2016–2018

Administrative responsibilities

  • Elected member or deputy member of the board of École des Ponts ParisTech. 2015 – present
  • Member of the steering committee of the DIM Respore “Rupture in sciences for porous solids" supported by Region Ile-de-France. 2017 – present
  • Elected member of the board of the French Association of Adsorption. 2016 – present
  • Chair of the EMI Poromechanics Committee of the ASCE. 2014 – 2017
  • Elected member of the council of Laboratoire Navier. 2012 – 2016
  • Responsible for the animation of the chair LafargeHolcim – École des Ponts ParisTech. 2009 – present
  • Elected member of the Conseil d’Enseignement et de Recherche of École des Ponts ParisTech. 2009 – 2012


  • 2008: Ph.D. in Civil Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • 2004: M.Eng. in Civil Engineering, École des Ponts ParisTech
  • 2004: M.Eng. in Engineering, École Polytechnique
  • 2003: M.Sc. in Mechanics of Materials and Structures, École des Ponts ParisTech
  • 2002: Bachelor in Engineering, École Polytechnique