
Thèse : Modélisation du comportement d’un milieu poreux fracturé face à une sollicitation de gaz

Contexte Dans le cadre du projet Cigéo, le creusement des galeries souterraines dans les argilites du Callovo-Oxfordien induit un réseau de fractures autour des ouvrages. Cette fracturation présente un profil de propagation en mode mixte I/II typique, qui résulte de la décharge instantanée des argilites au moment du creusement. La topologie et l’étendue spatiale du […]

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Sujet de Thèse : Experimental and numerical investigation of environmental factors affecting grain crushing

Joint PhD position at UCLouvain and Ecole des Ponts in Geomechanics Grain breakage is a common occurrence in granular media when the intergranular forces exceed the individual particle strength and is of major importance in many areas of geosciences. Experimental evidences suggest that particle breakage may significantly influence the mechanical behavior of the material promoting […]

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Thèse : Experimental and numerical study on the hydromechanical-gas behaviour of clay materials

Clay materials have been considered as potential candidate for closure structures in high-level radioactive waste repositories. In spite of several studies investigating its hydro-mechanical behaviour, the kinetics of the re-saturation process and the development of swelling pressure of clay materials, observed in the large-scale experiments during long periods (e.g. several years), can still not be […]

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