NAVIER Laboratory

UMR 8205

The Navier Laboratory is a joint research unit of the Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées (ENPC), the Gustave Eiffel University and the National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS), located in the Cité Descartes in Marne-La Vallée. The staff (nearly 170 people) conduct research on mechanics and physics of materials, structures and geomaterials, and their applications to geotechnics, civil engineering, transport, geophysics and energy. Societal challenges concern sustainable construction, natural risks, environment and energy. In the development of mechanical and physical laws relating to these themes, the studies undertaken are both experimental and theoretical. They are based on a vast array of equipment, some of which are unique in their kind.

Geotechnics (CERMES)

The team focuses its research and teaching activities on geotechnical engineering and soil and rock mechanics [...]

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Architectured Materials and Structures (MSA)

The team studies the mechanics and durability of materials and structures in civil engineering [...]

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Multi-Scale (ME)

The team endeavors to understand and predict the mechanical, and more generally multi-physical, behaviors of materials [...]

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Rheophysics and Porous Media (RMP)

The team is specialized in the study and the modeling of the properties of complex materials [...]

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PhD Defense – Nicolas Montagne

PhD Defense – Nicolas Montagne

Nicolas Montagne, a PhD candidate in the Architectured Materials and Structures team will defend his dissertation titled « Voss surfaces:…

PhD Defense – Romane Boutillier

PhD Defense – Romane Boutillier

Romane Boutillier, a PhD candidate in the Architectured Materials and Structures team and LAMA will defend her dissertation titled « Designing architectural…

PHD Defense – Matteo Migliari

PHD Defense – Matteo Migliari

Matteo Migiari, a PhD candidate in the Architectured Materials and Structures team and Atelier Franck Boutté , will defend his dissertation titled “Adapting…

PhD Defense – Mohammad Youssef Fallah

PhD Defense – Mohammad Youssef Fallah

Mohammad Youssef Fallah, a PhD candidate in the Geotechnics and Multiscale teams, will defend his dissertation titled “Modeling fracture propagation…

PhD Defense – Christian Martín

PhD Defense – Christian Martín

Christian Martín, a PhD candidate in the Geotechnics team, will defend his dissertation titled “Mechanical Properties and Microstructure of Lightweight…

PhD Defense – Maxime Pierre

PhD Defense – Maxime Pierre

Maxime Pierre, a PhD candidate in the Geotechnics, MSA, and Multiscale teams, will defend his dissertation titled “Numerical modelling of…


PhD position: Size-sensitive strategies for the multiscale design of fracture-resistant heterogeneous materials

PhD position: Size-sensitive strategies for the multiscale design of fracture-resistant heterogeneous materials

Context: Engineering materials, such as ceramics or concrete, often exhibit a complex microstructure characterized by multiple scales of heterogeneities, from…

M2 Internship: Reduced-order models to simulate crack growth along heterogeneous interfaces

M2 Internship: Reduced-order models to simulate crack growth along heterogeneous interfaces

Context: In mechanical engineering or material science, interfaces are where the magic – and the challenges – happen. From the…

Stage/Internship M2 : Investigation of micro-damage in salt-rock samples from the quantitative analysis of X-ray computed tomography 3D images

Context Renewable hydrogen stands as a valuable alternative to fossil energy. The increase in hydrogen demand and production begs the…

PhD position: “Field investigation of an in-situ soil treatment solution for clay shrink-swell inhibition”

PhD position: “Field investigation of an in-situ soil treatment solution for clay shrink-swell inhibition”

The cycles of clay shrink-swell (CSS) are linked to the cycles of soil moisture fluctuations, themselves governed by alternating precipitation…

Master internship : Microstructural analysis of bio-based granular packing using X-ray microtomography

Biobased materials made from plant particles offer great potential for building insulation, particularly in terms of reducing environmental impact. The…

M1/M2 Internship Opportunity in Acoiustic Enclosure Design

Echo Silence, in partnership with the Navier Laboratory at École des Ponts ParisTech, is offering a unique internship opportunity aimed…